Interview for winners!
■2020 3rd Prize Daniel Espen (Italy)
The Chant of Witches

・How did you know this competition? What motivated you to apply?
I got to know the “International Composer Choral Competition” of Japan through the Internet. I am always very motivated to apply for a competition as it offers me the opportunity to give the best of myself, to understand better my own limits in order to overcome any possible future limitations.

・How did you feel when you won the competition?
I was very glad to know that I am one of the three winners of ICCC Competition.

・How did you feel when a piece was first premiered by the Metropolitan chorus of Tokyo?
As I live and work in China I hoped to come to Tokyo to see the concert performance. When I realized that the organization was obliged, due to Covid 19 pandemic situation, just to record the winning compositions in studio I must admit that I was quite disappointed. However the recording was very professional and provided high level performance.

・Please send a message for next applicants.
I highly recommend to all the composers to participate to the ICCC. I realized that the ICCC team was very professional. Whenever I had some questions about the rules, or about the inscription to the competition, the ICCC staff would always reply in appropriate response time and in the most professional way.
Actually, in my experience I have participated in several competitions all over the world and I can surely affirm that this competition is one of the most professional ones. It was a big pleasure to participate in ICCC and I hope one day to meet personally the conductor M° Ko Matsushita to thank him and all the team.

・Your age/ country
I am 36 years old and I am Italian.
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